Posted in blog post on July 16th, 2020 by Merrill Markoe follow site

https://www.marineetstamp.com/bn71q0wwnzr This is the cover of my first graphic novel. It goes on sale October 20….just a week before the election. Because I fully expect it to be suffocated under an avalanche of Trump bullshit, I have decided to start to pimp it now.  I wrote it and Illustrated it. So see? Six years of art school finally paid off fifty years later.


https://paradiseperformingartscenter.com/pypih90hd3u This is an uncorrected draft of the cover. it contains several misspellings. Do not be alarmed. They will be corrected in the copy I expect you to buy. Are you my best friend or are you not? Well I guess we’ll see, won’t we.


Tramadol Sales Online Here is a link to an Amazon page where you can pre-order it. I hope you like it. All my friends seem to like it. And they are NO SLOUCHES.https://www.amazon.com/We-Saw-Scenery-Diaries-Merrill/dp/1616209038/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1594960234&refinements=p_27%3AMerrill+Markoe&s=books&sr=1-1


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